3 Career Pivots You Can Make After Serving Time for a Conviction

Approximately one in three adults have some type of criminal record, and integrating into the workforce after acquiring a conviction can be a difficult journey to pursue. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requires potential employers to remain impartial while performing background checks, but it is natural to be nervous about how a societal bias may impact your future career path. There are fortunately a large number of positions that offer what are referred to as “second-chance programs,” as well as careers that don’t require background checks at all.

Become a Sales Representative

Proactive sales reps are typically hard to come across, so these jobs are often hard to fill. Due to this shortage in prospective employees, sales rep positions don’t always require a thorough background check. There is usually no prior experience required, as long as you are open to learning and becoming assimilated to a fast-paced and high-energy role. Sales representatives make around $30.32 to $44.67 an hour, which is well above a comfortable wage.

Work as an Independent Contractor

The gig economy is steadily growing, causing more and more individuals to decide to become their own bosses as independent contractors. Participating in freelance work could potentially give you the opportunity to avoid background checks altogether, as long as you maintain a reputable presence in your chosen industry. Learning to code and becoming a freelance web developer is perhaps one of the most promising career paths, with over 58,600 prospective job openings becoming available in upcoming years. You can start this by learning computer languages, start with languages like Java,  SQL, or Angular JS.

Get a Culinary Degree

Dining facilities are historically known for giving second chances to those who have prior criminal convictions. Many of these eating establishments, especially smaller businesses, do not require background checks at all. Culinary arts is far from becoming obsolete, with over 30,400 predicted job openings in the near future. If you do not want to dedicate the time to a full degree, many restaurants will accept just a vocational certificate instead.

Your prior criminal conviction does not have to mean hitting a brick wall when it comes to the pursuit of your dreams. Your career goals can still be accomplished with the proper knowledge and resources, enabling you to secure a position that is both profitable and enjoyable to you. Over 68% of those who enter the prison system have a stable employment history beforehand, so go build a LinkedIn profile or a redo your resume, keep your head up as you can successfully re-enter society.

Moving On: How to Find New Purpose After a Conviction

You messed up. Whatever the case is, you now find yourself on the wrong end of the justice system. You are dealing with all the things that come with a legal case: tons of legal fees, pain with your family, and perhaps incarceration.

This is a tough time, but you need to stay focused and get through this. The following are some ideas to help you find renewed purpose in your life.

Stay Positive

For many people, a legal conviction can begin a downward spiral in their lives. They lose hope and start making mistakes that hurt them more. You need to avoid this.

This whole situation is a test in your life, and if you believe in yourself, then you can make it through. You need to know that you are capable of building a positive and productive life for yourself in the future. Do not let negativity snowball into a bad pattern.


Remember Your Family

Getting a conviction can many times hurt our relationships with our families and loved ones. Sometimes it is the financial strain that breaks a relationship. Other times it is just the pain that comes with the situation.

You owe it to your family to be better. Do what you can to make amends and show them you are capable of changing. Deal with this legal situation: do your service, do your time, whatever it is. Then start to move on and begin rebuilding.


Find the Right Attorney

A good attorney can make all the difference in the world. A good attorney will help you navigate through a situation to the best possible outcome. It is essential you hire someone who knows what they are doing and has your best interests in mind. According to a DWI lawyer in Austin TX, even a small misdemeanor should be handled by someone skilled in more complex criminal charges for the best possible outcome.

Turn your Life Around

Once you have dealt with the legal situation of your conviction, it is time for you to begin turning your life around. For many people this can mean finding new work and a means of supporting themselves. Your attorney may be able to help you find a program for people with convictions that can help you do this.


A legal conviction is not the end of the world. It is up to you to decide how you want to look at this. Will this be the situation that defines you for the rest of your life? Or will you use it as a wakeup call to begin rebuilding your life in a better way? You and only you have the power to find new purpose after this conviction.


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