Virtual Fundraiser Hosted by Cyn’s Diamond Bar


Cyn’s Diamond Bar will be hosting a 4 day fundraiser on behalf of Nolef Turns Inc. this upcoming weekend at These bracelets will be available from 12:01am 8/13/20 to 11:59pm 8/16/20. Be sure to type NOLEF TURNS in the Add a Note box before checkout.

All items will be custom to Nolef Turns, Inc. so once the sales event is over, all bracelets will be specially produced. Production to shipping will take approximately 3-4 weeks.

Take the Pledge! Real Chances at Dignity After Convictions

Take The Pledge!

There are over 46,000 collateral consequences - additional civil state penalties, mandated by statute, that attach to criminal convictions. The sentence never ends.

There are 6.1 million people living with a felony conviction in America. If housing is truly a right, why do we allow convictions to deny people access to safe and affordable housing that they can afford? Are background check questions on employment applications really for public safety?

Take the pledge, donate today, become an NLT member!


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