Closed For Thanksgiving Holiday

Our offices will be closed for the week of Thanksgiving to give our volunteers much needed time to rest and regroup from the past several months of working tirelessly to support those who are impacted by court and incarceration.

We will close promptly at 5pm on Friday, November 20, 2020 and will return at 10:00am on November 30, 2020. Please be safe! We look forward to returning refreshed and ready to continue our fight for justice.

Key Components You Need to Nail on Your LinkedIn Profile

Category : Nolef Turns Inc.

When it comes to LinkedIn, you want to stand out. With countless profiles on the networking website, it is a good idea to nail your first impression in order to do really well. Here are a few things you should focus on to make sure your profile stands out from the rest.

The Photograph

A professional photograph attached to your profile is paramount. In order to make you stand out, you need a picture; profiles with photos are viewed 21 times more than profiles without.

A great photo has good lighting and does not include anything but yourself—no pets, family members, objects, etc. Your face should occupy at minimum 60% of the picture. Use a photo that is high-resolution, and keep it professional and businesslike. Choose a background that will not detract from your face, such as a blank or otherwise plain background. As far as clothing goes, wear something you would wear to work. Make your expression pleasant.

The Headline

The “headline” is the description located directly beneath your photo on your profile. This brief description is meant to highlight what you do. Present yourself well here; this, along with your photo, is usually the first thing fellow LinkedIn users see. Your headline should be representative of you and your brand in order to attract the best connections.

You want to showcase your “so what?” in your headline—and you only have 120 characters to do so. Talk about your strengths and what you bring to the table. What is your specialty?

Consider your target audience. Who do you want to attract to your profile? What do those people care about? What are they looking for? Then, be specific, get creative, and use keywords you think will hook the people you’re targeting.

The About Section

Your “About” section is a summary of you as a worker, and it is another vital part of catching a possible connection’s eye. It should be forty words or more—the word count factors into the likelihood of your profile appearing in searches, and you have a maximum of 2,000 characters. Just be careful not to go overboard: a few short paragraphs should do the trick. Feel free to show some personality as you describe your career, accomplishments, and future goals. Begin with a catchy hook in order to convince readers to click “See More.”

Make sure you incorporate keywords that will attract people from your desired industry. Specificity and use of keywords will help you gain thirteen times more views than other profiles. Being intentional with your use of words will help further set you apart from the crowd.

With a polished, professional photo, headline, and “About” section, your profile will be able to stand out from the rest, preparing the way for new opportunities for you as a businesswoman and entrepreneur.

If you’ve got a criminal record, we can help you to thrive despite your past. If you’re looking for a job, look here for upcoming hiring events!


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