Can I share where our most significant donation came from yesterday? We’ve been working with a young man who has been incarcerated for over 3 decades. He never had a conviction prior to the unfortunate event that led him to prison and in 34 years, he has never had one single infraction. He has been denied parole every year since he became eligible. He reached out last week and asked if he could donate 10% of his monthly wages of $70. He sent a money order for $10 that was delivered yesterday. He is one of the many people that fuel our fight for Second Look legislation and why we keep going.
“A conviction does not end at the release of physical bondage.“
Good Green Grantees Announcement
In case you missed the big news, Green Thumb Industries announced the winners of their 2022 Good Green Grant!!! Check out the press release here. Our focus will continue to be on expungement listening sessions and clinics and expanding community support for an expanded record sealing bill. As always, we will fight for EQUITY in the process of setting up our retail adult use cannabis market. Most importantly, we will continue our fight to center the people most impacted by the failed War on Drugs. We are honored and humbled to have been chosen.
Thank you to everyone who donated, shared, supported and fights alongside us all year. Looking forward to breaking more barriers together
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