Will CBD Oil Show Up In Drug Tests?

Category : job-readiness

Drug Testing

Many employers require their employees to pass a drug test. This has raised concerns regarding CBD oil showing up on the test. Numerous individuals currently use CBD oil for stress. The main issue is that some CBD oil for sale is made from a combination of hemp and marijuana. Nearly every company has their own process for making CBD oil. Some produce a product completely free of THC while others have trace amounts in their oil. This is because a minimal amount increases the plant’s health benefits. On average, there is less than 0.3 percent of THC in these products.

The Process of Drug Testing

Drug tests are looking for illegal and addictive substances including steroids, opioids, and THC in the urine. If an individual is using a CBD oil has THC (which it should have very little of), the individual has to consume approximately 1000 to 2000 mg of CBD oil on a daily basis to test positive. The exact figure is dependent on the amount of THC contained in the CBD oil. If the drug test does show positive, it can be considered a false positive. There is a specific test called a GC/MS that has a much higher level of accuracy. This test is not looking for cannabinoids or CBD but illegal and harmful drugs and chemicals. This testing is meant to catch criminals and drug abusers in order to prevent them from entering the workforce. Since you’re not breaking any laws, there’s no need to worry.

Passing an Employers Drug Test

The risk of failing a drug test while using CBD oil is extremely small, but it does exist. The best possible way to ensure the test is passed is to make sure you buy CBD oil that does not contain any traces of THC. This can be accomplished in several different ways. The place to begin is with the label on the product, make sure it doesn’t surpass the legal limit of .03% THC (and preferably look for a product with something less) – and most importantly, avoid using too much of the oil prior to the test. Of course, you’re also going to want to research which companies your buying CBD oil from, as the most legitimate ones will have accurate and specific information. Take a good look at not only the test reports performed on site but the third party test results performed in a laboratory. If the third party is reputable, the product label is most likely of higher quality. Finally, look at the reviews of the product. Every product will have a few negative reviews, but the majority should be positive. These are the products trusted by the public.

The Bottom Line

THC is what drug tests are looking for when they administer one, and while many CBD oils do carry a small amount of it, it shouldn’t be a problem unless you’re ingesting a whole lot of CBD oil. And if you do end up with the bad luck of failing one of these tests, know that there are resources to help you get back on your feet after the fallout.






A Closer Look at Criminal Convictions and Parental Rights

If you’re a parent and concerned about how your criminal record is going to affect your relationship with your child, you’re not alone. In a 2000 study, it was determined that 6% of Americans had a criminal record and, as we move forward, it’s expected that 6.6% of adults will serve at least some time in prison. In simpler terms, that’s one person out of every 15 adults. So, the way a criminal record affects child custody is something that concerns millions of families.

Child Custody and Criminal Convictions

In general terms, a felony conviction does not automatically mean you’ll lose custody of your child. Family courts across the country strive to keep families together as much as possible. This is because judges try to do what’s in the child’s best interests and keeping both parents in the child’s life is usually considered to be aligned with that goal.

As long as the conviction didn’t involve a crime committed against the child, that parent will usually retain his or her rights. They may be granted custody and the right to make decisions about the child’s upbringing, as well. By way of an example, a tax fraud conviction is a felony, but, upon serving his or her sentence, that parent may be able to assume full or partial custody of the children.

When a Felony Conviction Does Interfere with Child Custody

There are some crimes that will prompt the courts to limit or eliminate an individual’s parental rights. Primarily, a person will likely lose custody rights, if their criminal conviction was the result of causing harm to their child. Instances of child abuse and neglect, child endangerment, or sexual abuse will result in a revocation of parental rights, and the parent may not be able to visit the child at all. If visitation is permitted, it will likely be timed and supervised by an officer of the court.

Other violent crimes can also be used to determine the loss of parental rights. In general, crimes like murder can be used to establish that the individual is unfit as a parent. This will especially be the case if the individual has committed domestic violence, including murder, against the other parent of the child. When determining visitation with minor children, the court will examine the nature of the felony and the length of time since the crime was committed, along with other factors.

While a felony conviction doesn’t automatically bar an individual from retaining custody of their children, the court will look at the nature of the crime committed. In some cases, even visitation will be limited. Some mitigating factors may work in the individual’s favor, helping him or her establish visitation rights, but that will be a decision ultimately left up to the judge. Whatever your situation, it’s always wise to have an attorney working with you on all family court matters. No matter what the court decides, don’t lose hope and don’t give up.


Checklist: Grounds for Terminating Parental Rights

Custody Laws When One Parent Moves Out of State

Soberlink and Sobriety: If Alcohol is a Factor in Your Custody Case


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